
Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Consumerism = Christmas?!?!?

For the past couple of days, I have spent time in malls. It always amazes me that there are soooo many people shopping just because it's Christmas. Yes, I was there picking up the last couple of things, and I do like to give gifts, but...

Typically, I can head to a mall, park, shop quickly and get out. Not these days. I'm just not a shopper.

It really makes me sad. I love Christmas, and all, but I really dislike the consumerism that is attached to this season. I don't quite know what I'll do about it. It's paining my heart. For me, there has to be a better way...

Or maybe I'll just shush myself and stick with tradition. Merry Christmas!! Celebrating the birth of the King!!

Friday, December 11, 2009

As Christmas Draws Nigh...

A sweet story to read or to listen to. I love, love, love precious stories about what Christmas really means. Click on the title "As Christmas Draws Nigh.." above. Enjoy :)

Tuesday, December 8, 2009


...a hardy Minnesotan. Yes, I was born and have been raised in Minnesota. I have lived here ALL of my life, but I repeat...I am NOT a hardy Minnesotan. Just sayin..

Sunday, December 6, 2009

The "Bag Lady" photo

My sister wanted to get a photo together with her sisters and her brother. My youngest sister had already left, so we posed with a gap in the middle. My daughter had taken a photo of the absent sister and used photoshop to place her there in the gap. Hence the photo with the sibling with the bag over her head...aka "the unknown comic" or the "bag lady"!

Friday, December 4, 2009

Last Weekend

My friend came for a visit ... and shopping. She lives in a rural area ... I take for granted the various opportunities to shop and eat. We started with lunch at Matt's..


Then it was off to the Mall of America and Ikea...

Busy, busy weekend - FUN, FUN, FUN

... saw the movie "Precious" too, and that has stuck with me more than the Thanksgiving mashed potatoes!!

Saturday, November 28, 2009


My brother, sisters and I....we pretty much laughed our way through Thanksgiving! (there's a story behind this photo - more later).

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Today's the day...

I'm biting the bullet. On Being Blessed, you'll discover many, many snippets of my life. Truthfully, some will be painful, but most will be joyful ... snippets.

Welcome and enjoy ~ Tracey